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Analytical Service Requisition Form for X-Ray Analytical Service (XRD) Service

Name of Teacher/Person Nandita Deb
Department/Institute/Address Department of physics, University of Dhaka
Date of Requisition 2024-12-28
Laboratory Basic Facilities and Sample Processing Laboratory ( Contact with Lab In-Charge )
Service Name XRD (Crystalline/Amorphous powder)
Sample ID S1
Number of Samples 5
Sample Type Inorganic
Sample Composition MnGdxFe2-xO4
Sample Nature
If the sample Contains Mositure or Volatile Org. Solvent (VOS) Present in a small quantity
Sample stability Air and moisture stable
Sample amount / size Not less than 500 mg
Scan range (2-theta0) 100-700
Step/min Standard (3 degree/minute)
Category for Billing Category A: DU Teachers and Students doing M.S./M.Phil/PhD under D.U
Cost Tk. 5000
Student/Person Mst. Sornali Akter
Mobile No 01880822688
Status Comment Date
Submitted 2024-12-28
Approved Sample should be in powder or thin film. Please write Sample ID for all sample. 2025-02-04