+88-02-966 1920-59/Ext.4616

Guest Room Booking

Download the PDF, sign it and submit it to the CARS office to confirm your reservation. For any information please call at: 9661920 Extn.4617, 01700679289.

Download Application Status: Confirmed
Client's Name : Mohammad Absar Kamal
Designation : Professore
Department : French Language and Culture
Institute : Institute of Modern Languages
Contact Number : 0179658007
Purpose to Stay : Exchange Student form China will stay here to learn Bengali
Guest Arrival Date & Time : 2025-02-20 (18:45:00)
Guest Depature Date & Time : 2025-02-26 (17:50:00)
Requested Number of Rooms : 4
Particulars of Guests
SN Name National Identity Address
1. HUANG YUTING Chinese School of Foreign Languages and South Asian and Southeast Asian Studies, Yunnan Minzu University, China
2. WANG YUXIU Chinese School of Foreign Languages and South Asian and Southeast Asian Studies, Yunnan Minzu University, China
3. DENG DI Chinese School of Foreign Languages and South Asian and Southeast Asian Studies, Yunnan Minzu University, China
4. LIN XINGYU Chinese School of Foreign Languages and South Asian and Southeast Asian Studies, Yunnan Minzu University, China
5. WANG JINGWEI Chinese School of Foreign Languages and South Asian and Southeast Asian Studies, Yunnan Minzu University, China
6. TANG SHIYAN Chinese School of Foreign Languages and South Asian and Southeast Asian Studies, Yunnan Minzu University, China
7. Sagret Al Mishkat Bangladeshi School of Foreign Languages and South Asian and Southeast Asian Studies, Yunnan Minzu University, China
Submitted on: 2025-02-19