+88-02-966 1920-59/Ext.4616

Committee / Conference / Training Room Booking

Download the PDF, sign it and submit it to the CARS office. For any information please call at: 9661920 Extn.4617, 01700679289.

1. Room Type Training Room (60 persons)
2. Name Professor Dr. Upama Kabir
3. Designation Dean
4. Address Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka
5. Phone No. 01711600950
5. Description of the Occasion Admission Test 2024-2025
6. Occasion date & time Date: 28/02/2025 (Friday), Time: 08:00:00
7. Recommendation of Dept's Chairman / Institute's Director / Office Head NA
9. Name and Address of Payee (If different from the applicant) NA
13. Status Confirmed
  • All fares are to be paid in advance by way of crossed check in favor of "Director, Centre for Advanced Research in Sciences (CARS)". A/C No.: 4405-7330-14349, Sonali Bank PLC, Dhaka University Branch.
  • The center authority reserves the right to accept or reject the booking or cancellation request without assigning any reason.
  • You have to pay 1000 Tk extra for holidays and Tk 500 extra if the shift period is exceeded.