Welcome To Cell and Tissue Culture Laboratory
Cell and Tissue Culture Laboratory was launched in January 2013 to meet the increasing demand for cell culture techniques in molecular biology, biotechnology as well as in medicine. The laboratory holds state-of-the-art research facilities with modern equipment for a range of experiments in fundamental biological sciences, cell biology, tissue culture, immunogenetics, microbiology, virology, and taxonomy. While diverse in scope, our scientists are unified in their focus to understand the combined effect of genomic, biochemical, cellular, genetic, and computational approaches with sophisticated imaging and molecular techniques. We are highly collaborative and our group remains to engage in the top quality of research with other scientists throughout the world so that we can play a crucial role to rescue the world from emerging health challenges. For details, please, follow the link https://cellculturedu.weebly.com/
Research Area:
Cell Culture and Toxicology
Impact of climate change on the emergence of
infectious diseases.
One-Health Approach for clinic-molecular
Epidemiology of emerging infectious diseases in clinical and environmental
Food Virology.
5. Isolation and characterization of economically significant/antibiotic-producing microbes.

1) Qualitative
and quantitative assessment
of the cytotoxic effect of different chemicals or bioproducts. Qualitative
assessment is a simple but convincing and widely used technique in which the
cells with the testing substrate are examined under a light microscope for
general morphology, vacuolization, detachment, and cell lysis in comparison to
control cells without the substrate. In contrast, quantitative analysis
determines the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of a compound
through MTT assay, which is a well-established technique for cell viability
cell culture-based studies: While
we are committed to opening our cell culture facilities for all types of cell-based
studies, we are very much conscious about biosafety as well as lab security. A
study can be performed only after consultation with our experts and under the supervision
of the authority.
We have a separate compartment of biosafety level II in our laboratory for
virus study: virus isolation, propagation, and molecular characterization.
Viruses that are suitable within Biosafety level II are recommended only for
Microscopy includes both light microscopy and fluorescence
microscopy with an inverted microscope for live observing and capturing images.
for vacuum concentration of DNA/RNA/phytochemical fractions in organic
6) Absorbance
at a wide range of wavelengths (200 - 999 nm.)
and microplates (6- to 384- well plate).
7) -80° C
Ultralow Temperature Freezer with generator electricity backup to keep
the freezing temperature always constant between -75°C and -80°C.
8) Supply
of nanopure water (Specification: inorganics up to 18.2MΩ.cm,
bacteria <1 cfu/ml, organics <5ppb, particles <0.2µm, endotoxin
<0.001EU/ml, DNase <4pg/µl, RNase <0.01ng/ml)
Animal cell culture and preservation
Cell lines that we have: Vero, HeLa,
BHK-21, Molt-4, MA-104, MDCK, 8C Tax, C636
Cell culture-based studies.
Qualitative measurement of cytotoxic
effect on cancer and/or non-cancer cell lines.
Quantitative measurement (IC50,
ED50) of cytotoxic effect on cancer and/or non-cancer cell lines.
Studies on viruses of risk groups 1 and 2
can be performed inside the BSL-2 lab.
Molecular detection of viral infections in
clinical samples (PCR and ELISA).
Molecular detection of viruses in
environmental samples.
9. Antimicrobial
activity against various Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.
of microorganisms from the soil, air, water, and food samples.
1) Dr. Sheikh Ariful Hoque (Principal Scientist & Lab-in-charge)
JSPS Post-doc (Virology), Ph.D. (Virology), MPH (Epidemiology), B.Sc. (Microbiology)
2) Dr. Tania Hossain
Post-doc (Plant Microbiology), Ph.D. (Plant Microbiology), M.S.
(Botany), B.Sc. (Botany)
3) Ummay Nasrin Sultana (Senior Technical Officer)
M.S. (Biochemistry), B.Sc. (Biochemistry)
Current Projects:
Sl | Title | Year |
1 | Molecular characterization of Hand Foot Mouth Disease (HFMD) virus in Bangladeshi children under 5 years of age and finding out the way of spreading. | 2020-2021 |
2 | Molecular detection and characterization of Enteroviruses in the river and canal surface water in Dhaka city. | 2021-2022 |
3 | Impact of climate change and Rotavirus vaccine on viral gastroenteritis in Japan and Bangladesh. | 2022-2023 |
Sl | Organization | Description |
1 | Nihon University Graduate School of Medicine, Itabashi, Tokyo, Japan | Jointly we are challenging emerging enteric viruses in developing and developed countries. |
Sl. | Article | Type | Year | Link |
1 | J Bae, C Takano, Hoque SA , H Saito, W Akino, S Nishimura, Y Onda, ...Precautionary findings on the utilization of FilmArray® to detect human astroviruses in fecal and sewage samples. Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 30 (12), 1327-1329 | Journal | 2024 | Link |
2 | Ushijima H, NTK Pham, S Nishimura, M Kobayashi, K Sugita, Hoque SA, Human Astrovirus Infection and Outbreaks in Japanese Children Before and After the Emergence of COVID‐19 Pandemic. Journal of Medical Virology 96 (11), e70078 | Journal | 2024 | Link |
3 | Hoque SA, Y Akari, P Khamrin, T Phan, Y Onda, S Okitsu, S Komoto..... Epidemiology and molecular evolution of GI. 1 sapovirus in the recent era. Journal of Medical Virology 96 (9), e29904. | Journal | 2024 | Link |
4 | Ushijima H, NTK Pham, Hoque SA , A Nomura, K Kumthip. Evaluation of a novel triplex immunochromatographic test for rapid simultaneous detection of norovirus, rotavirus, and adenovirus on a single strip test. Journal of Infection and Public Health 17 (4), 619-623 | Journal | 2024 | Link |
5 | Tabassum, A., Khan, F. I., Hossain, T., & Mostarin, M. (2024). Phytochemical, antibacterial and cytotoxic properties of piper betle L. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 53(4), 889–894. | Journal | 2024 | Link |
7 | Ushijima H, Hoque SA, Akari Y, Pham NTK, Phan T, Nishimura S, Kobayashi M, Sugita K, Okitsu S, Komoto S, et al. Molecular Evolution of GII.P31/GII.4_Sydney_2012 Norovirus over a Decade in a Clinic in Japan. International Journal of Molecular Sciences | Journal | 2024 | Link |
8 | Ushijima H, Pham NTK, Hoque SA, Nomura A, Kumthip K, Shimizu-Onda Y, Okitsu S, Kawata K, Hanaoka N, Müller WE, Maneekarn N, Hayakawa S, Khamrin P. Evaluation of a novel triplex immunochromatographic test for rapid simultaneous detection of norovirus, rotavirus, and adenovirus on a single strip test. J Infect Public Health. Volume 17, Issue 4, April 2024, Pages 619-623 | Journal | 2024 | |
9 | Hoque SA, Saito H, Akino W, Kotaki T, Okitsu S, Onda Y, Kobayashi T, Hossian T, Khamrin P, Motomura K, Maneekarn N, Hayakawa S, Ushijima H. The Emergence and Widespread Circulation of Enteric Viruses Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Wastewater-Based Evidence. Food Environ Virol . 2023 Oct 29. doi: 10.1007/s12560-023-09566-z. Online ahead of print | Journal | 2023 | Link |
10 | NTK Pham, P Khamrin, Y Shimizu-Onda, SA Hoque, QD Trinh, Genetic diversity and declining norovirus prevalence in infants and children during Japan's COVID-19 pandemic: a three-year molecular surveillance. Arch Virol. 2023 Aug 16;168(9):231. doi: 10.1007/s00705-023-05856-w. | Journal | 2023 | |
11 | P Khamrin, NTK Pham, Y Shimizu-Onda, QD Trinh, SA Hoque, K Kumthip. Evaluation of an Immunochromatographic Test for Rapid Detection of Astrovirus in Acute Gastroenteritis Pediatric Patients. Clin Lab. 2023 Aug 1;69(8). doi: 10.7754/Clin.Lab.2023.230314. | Journal | 2023 | |
12 | Hoque SA, Pham NTK, Onda Y, Nishimura S, Sugita K, Kobayashi M, Islam MT, Okitsu S, Khamrin P, Maneekarn N, Hayakawa S, Ushijima H. Sapovirus infections in Japan before and after the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic: An alarming update. J Med Virol. 2023 Aug;95(8):e29023. doi: 10.1002/jmv.29023. | Journal | 2023 | Link |
13 | Hiroshi Ushijima, Shuichi Nishimura, Yuko Shimizu-Onda, Ngan Thi Kim Pham, Quang Duy Trinh, Shoko Okitsu, Chika Takano, Kattareeya Kunthip, Sheikh Ariful Hoque, Shihoko Komine-Aizawa, Niwat Maneekarn, Satoshi Hayakawa, Pattara Khamrin. Outbreak of human astroviruses 1 and Melbourne 2 in acute gastroenteritis pediatric patients in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021. Journal of Infection and Public Health | Journal | 2023 | Link |
14 | Sheikh Ariful Hoque, Kazi Selim Anwar, Md Azraf Hossain Khan, Ummay Nasrin Sultana, Md Ahasan Ali, Tania Hossain, Laila Shamima Sharmin, ARM Luthful Kabir, Md Abid Hossain Mollah, Sk Azimul Hoque, Masuma Khan, Ngan Thi Kim Pham, Pattara Khamrin, Shoko Okitsu, Satoshi Hayakawa, Hiroshi Ushijima. Emergence of Coxsackievirus A16 Causing Childhood Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease: First Molecular Evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases | Journal | 2023 | Link |
15 | Sheikh Ariful Hoque, Tomohiro Kotaki, Ngan Thi Kim Pham, Yuko Onda, Shoko Okitsu, Shintaro Sato, Yoshikazu Yuki, Takeshi Kobayashi, Niwat Maneekarn, Hiroshi Kiyono, Satoshi Hayakawa, Hiroshi Ushijima. Genotype Diversity of Enteric Viruses in Wastewater Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Food and Environmental Virology.1-16 | Journal | 2023 | Link |
16 | Yasmin, F., Hossain, T., Shahrukh, S., Hossain, M.E. and Sultana, G.N.N., 2023. Evaluation of seasonal changes in physicochemical and bacteriological parameters of Gomti River in Bangladesh. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, p.100224. | Journal | 2023 | Link |
17 | Microbiological and physicochemical properties of re-excavated canals of Dhaka city | Conference | 2022 | |
18 | Molecular identification and increased amylase production by Bacillus megaterium mutants | Conference | 2022 | |
19 | Hoque SA, Wakana A, Shimizu H. et al. Detection of Rotavirus Strains in Freshwater Clams in Japan. Food Environ Virol. | Journal | 2022 | |
20 | Hoque SA, Nishimura K, Thongprachum A, Khamrin P, Thi Kim Pham N, Islam MT, Khandoker N, Okitsu S, Onda-Shimizu Y, Dey SK, Maneekarn N, Kobayashi T, Hayakawa S, Ushijima H. An increasing trend of human sapovirus infection in Japan, 2009 to 2019: An emerging public health concern. J Infect Public Health. 2022 Jan 31;15(3):315-320. | Journal | 2022 | |
21 | Okitsu S, Khamrin P, Hikita T, Thongprachum A, Pham NTK, Hoque SA, Hayakawa S, Maneekarn N, Ushijima H. Changing distribution of rotavirus A genotypes circulating in Japanese children with acute gastroenteritis in outpatient clinic, 2014-2020. J Infect Public Health. 2022 Jun 20;15(7):816-825. | Journal | 2022 | |
22 | Khan MAS, Parveen R, Hoque SA, Ahmed MF, Rouf ASS, Rahman SR. Implementing in vitro and in silico approaches to evaluate anti-influenza virus activity of different Bangladeshi plant extracts. Advances in Traditional Medicine.2022 | Journal | 2022 | |
23 | Hoque SA, Kotaki T, Pham NTK, Onda Y, Okitsu S, Sato S, Yuki Y, Kobayashi T, Maneekarn N, Kiyono H, Hayakawa S, Ushijima H. Abundance of Viral Gastroenteritis before and after the Emergence of COVID-19: Molecular Evidence on Wastewater. J Infect. 2022 Nov 16;S0163-4453(22)00648-X. | Journal | 2022 | Link |
24 | Kawata K, Hoque SA, Nishimura S, Yagyu F, Islam MT, Sharmin LS, Pham NTK, Onda-Shimizu Y, Quang TD, Takanashi S, Okitsu S, Khamrin P, Maneekarn N, Hayakawa S, Ushijima H. Role of rotavirus vaccination on G9P[8] rotavirus strain during a seasonal outbreak in Japan. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2021 May 25:1-6. | Journal | 2021 | |
25 | Pham NTK, Thongprachum A, Shimizu Y, Shiota I, Hoque SA, Khamrin P, Takano C, Trinh QD, Okitsu S, Komine-Aizawa S, Shimizu H, Maneekarn N, Hayakawa S, Ushijima H. Genetic diversity of Parechovirus A in infants and children with acute gastroenteritis in Japan during 2016-2018. Infect Genet Evol. 2021 Jun; 90:104776. | Journal | 2021 | |
26 | Ushijima H, Hikita T, Kobayashi M, Pham NTK, Onda-Shimizu Y, Kawagishi T, Okitsu S, Kanai Y, Kobayashi T, Phan T, Hoque SA, Takanashi S, Komoto S, Khumthip K, Taniguchi K, Maneekam N, Hayakawa S, Khamrin P. The Detection of Rotavirus Antigenemia by Immunochromatographic Kits: a Case Series. Clin. Lab. 2021; 67:2275-2282 | Journal | 2021 | |
27 | Md. Kamruzzaman Munshi, Farzana Akter Sukhi, Roksana Huque, Arzina Hossain, Shamim Mahbub, Sheikh Ariful Hoque, Tania Hossain, Md. Shafiqul Islam Khan, Md. Fuad Hossain. Combination impacts of gamma radiation and low temperature on the toxin producing Bacillus cereus isolated from fried and steam rice. J Food Process Preserv. | Journal | 2021 | |
28 | Munshi, M.K., Sukhi, F.A., Huque, R., Hossain, A., Mahbub, S., Ariful Hoque, S., Hossain, T., Khan, M.S.I. and Hossain, M.F., 2021. Combination impacts of gamma radiation and low temperature on the toxin‐producing Bacillus cereus isolated from fried and steam rice. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 45(12), p.e16054. | Journal | 2021 | Link |
29 | Tania Hossain, Sheikh Ariful Hoque and Ummay Nasrin Sultana. (2020). Evaluation of antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of the extracts of Capsicum annuum and Zinziber officinale. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS), 15(1): pp. 27-33 | Journal | 2020 | |
30 | Okitsu S, Khamrin P, Takanashi S, Thongprachum A, Hoque SA, Takeuchi H, Khan MA, Hasan SMT, Iwata T, Shimizu H, Jimba M, Hayakawa S, Maneekarn N, Ushijima H. Molecular detection of enteric viruses in the stool samples of children without diarrhea in Bangladesh. Infect Genet Evol. 2020 Jan; 77:104055. | Journal | 2020 | |
31 | Hossain T, Hoque SA, Sultana UN. Evaluation of antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of the extracts of Capsicum annuum and Zinziber officinale. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS). e-ISSN:2278-3008, p-ISSN:2319-7676. Volume 15, Issue 1 Ser. III (Jan –Feb 2020), PP 27-33. | Journal | 2020 | |
32 | Hoque SA, Khandoker N, Thongprachum A, Khamrin P, Takanashi S, Okitsu S, Nishimura S, Kikuta H, Yamamoto A, Sugita K, Baba T, Kobayashi M, Hayakawa S, Mizuguchi M, Maneekarn N, Ushijima H. Distribution of rotavirus genotypes in Japan from 2015 to 2018: Diversity in genotypes before and after introduction of rotavirus vaccines. Vaccine. 2020 May 13; 38(23):3980-3986. | Journal | 2020 | |
33 | Evaluation of antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of the extracts of Capsicum annuum, Psidium guajava, and Zinziber officinale | Conference | 2019 | |
34 | Sheikh Ariful Hoque, Aksara Thongprachum, Sayaka Takanashi, Salwa Mohd Mostafa, Hiroyuki Saito, Kazi Selim Anwar, Akiko Nomura, Sk. Azimul Hoque, Rokeya Begum, Ummay Nasrin Sultana, Tania Hossain, Pattara Khamrin, Shoko Okitsu, Satoshi Hayakawa, Hiroshi Ushijima. (2019). Alarming Situation of Spreading Enteric Viruses Through Sewage Water in Dhaka City: Molecular Epidemiological Evidences. Food and Environmental Virology. 11:65–75 | Journal | 2019 | |
35 | Hoque SA, Islam MT, Kobayashi M, Takanashi S, Anwar KS, Watanabe T, Khamrin P, Okitsu S, Hayakawa S, Ushijima H. Our response to the letter to the editor. Vaccine. 2018 Aug 16;36(34):5110-5111. | Journal | 2019 | |
36 | Hoque SA, Thongprachum A, Takanashi S, Mostafa SM, Saito H, Anwar KS, Nomura A, Hoque SA, Begum R, Sultana UN, Hossain T, Khamrin P, Okitsu S, Hayakawa S, Ushijima H. Alarming Situation of Spreading Enteric Viruses Through Sewage Water in Dhaka City: Molecular Epidemiological Evidences. Food Environ Virol. 2019 Mar;11(1):65-75. | Journal | 2019 | |
37 | Hoque SA, Iizuka I, Kobayashi M, Takanashi S, Anwar KS, Islam MT, Hoque SA, Khamrin P, Okitsu S, Hayakawa S, Ushijima H. Determining effectiveness of rotavirus vaccine by immunochromatography and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction: A comparison. Vaccine. 2019 Sep 16;37(39):5886-5890. | Journal | 2019 | |
38 | Kawata K, Hikita T, Takanashi S, Hikita H, Ogita K, Okitshu S, Hoque SA, Phan TG, Ushijima H. Diagnosis of Acute Gastroenteritis with Immunochromatography and Effectiveness of Rotavirus Vaccine in a Japanese Clinic. Access Microbiology. 2019 Dec. Vol 2, Issue 3. | Journal | 2019 | |
39 | Sheikh Ariful Hoque, Ummay Nasrin Sultana, Tania Hossain. (2018). Pasteurization of milk through direct heating up to 75°C over a kitchen stove at home. Microbial Bioactives, 1(1), pages 001–007 | Journal | 2018 | |
40 | Hoque SA, Kobayashi M, Takanashi S, Anwar KS, Watanabe T, Khamrin P, Okitsu S, Hayakawa S, Ushijima H. Role of rotavirus vaccination on an emerging G8P[8] rotavirus strain causing an outbreak in central Japan. Vaccine,36,1, 43-49, Jan, 2018 | Journal | 2018 | |
41 | Hoque SA, Sultana UN, Hossain T. Pasteurization of milk through direct heating up to75°C over a kitchen stove at home. Microbial Bioactives, 1,1, 001–007, Mar, 2018. | Journal | 2018 | |
42 | Hossain Khan MA, Anwar KS, Muraduzzaman AKM, Mollah MAH, Akhter-ul-Alam, Islam M, Hoque SA, Islam MN, Ali MA, Emerging Hand Foot Mouth Disease in Bangladeshi Children- First Report of Rapid Appraisal on Pocket Outbreak: Clinico-epidemiological Perspective Implicating Public Health Emergency F1000Res. 2018 Jul 30;7:1156. | Journal | 2018 | |
43 | Siddique MA, Ali MR, Alam ASMRU, Ullah H, Rahman A, Chakrabarty RP, Amin MA, Hoque SA, Nandi SP, Sultana M, Hossain MA. Emergence of two novel sublineages Ind2001BD1 and Ind2001BD2 of foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype O in Bangladesh. Transbound Emerg Dis. 2018 Aug;65(4):1009-1023. | Journal | 2018 | |
44 | Rahman M, Hoque SA, Islam MA, Rahman SR. Molecular analysis of amantadine-resistant influenza A (H1N1 pdm09) virus isolated from slum dwellers of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Virus Genes. 2017 Jun;53(3):377-385. | Journal | 2017 | |
45 | Hoque SA, Tanaka A, Islam S, Ahsan GU, Jinno-Oue A, HoshinoH. Suppression of HIV-1 Infectivity by Human Glioma Cells. AIDS Res Human Retroviruses. 2016 May; 32(5):480-8 | Journal | 2016 | |
46 | Zaman R, Parvez M, Zakaria M, Ali MS, Hoque SA. Phytochemical Screening, in vitro Cytotoxic and Antimicrobial activity of Methanolic extract of leaves of FicusSagittataVahil. Innovare J of Life Sci.Vol 4, Issue 2, 2016, 12-15 | Journal | 2016 | |
47 | Shaha M, Hoque SA, Rahman SR, Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis B virus isolated from Bangladesh. Springerplus. 2016 Sep 8;5(1):1513. | Journal | 2016 | |
48 | Shaha M, Hoque SA, Ahmed MF, Rahman SR. Effects of Risk Factors on Anti-HBs. Development in Hepatitis B Vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Populations. Viral Immunol. 2015 | Journal | 2015 | |
49 | Hoque SA, Hoshino H, Anwar KS, Tanaka A, Shinagawa M, Hayakawa Y, Okitsu S, Wada Y and Ushijima H. Transient heating of expressed breast milk up to 65°C inactivates HIV-1 in milk: a simple, rapid and cost-effective method to prevent postnatal transmission. J Med Virol. 2013 Feb;85(2):187-93. | Journal | 2013 | |
50 | Islam S, Hoque SA, Adnan N, Tanaka A, Jinno-oue A, Hoshino H, X4-tropic Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV), IIIB, utilizes CXCR4 as coreceptor distinctly from R5X4-tropic viruses. Microbiol Immunol. 2013 Jun;57(6):437-44. | Journal | 2013 | |
51 | Islam S, Shimizu N, Hoque SA, Jinno-oue A, Tanaka A, Hoshino H, CCR6 functions as a new coreceptor for limited primary human and simian immunodeficiency viruses. PLoS One. 2013 Aug 29;8(8):e73116 | Journal | 2013 | |
52 | Tanaka A, Nakatani Y, Hamada N, Jinno-Oue A, Shimizu N, Wada S, Funayama T, Mori T, Islam S, Hoque SA, Shinagawa M, Ohtsuki T, Kobayashi Y, Hoshino H, A manuscript titled Ionizing radiations influence human long interspersed nuclear elements 1 (LINE1) retrotransposon dynamics, Mutagenesis, 27, 5, 599-607, Sep, 2012 | Journal | 2012 |